hotstar The Princess Bride Full Movie Online 123movies
- Directed by: Rob Reiner
- Chris Sarandon
- story: When the lovely Buttercup is kidnapped by a ghastly gang intent on fermenting an international incident they find they are pursued by the Dread Pirate Roberts who just might be Westley, her one true love. Also after everyone is nasty Prince Humperdinck to whom Buttercup is now betrothed but who seems to care little for her continued survival. The stage is set for swordfights, monsters, and tortures - but will Grandpa be allowed to finish telling the story with all these kissy bits?
- Country: USA
- 8,9 / 10 stars
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“Are you a rotten liar”. If your a Princess Bride fan you should see the movie Stardust. Please understand I'm not comparing the two in any way. Stardust just has that Princess Bride feel to it. Plus its just a good movie. Aaaaas youuuuuu wiiiiiiiiiish! That just makes me so happy. She knew it was him just from those words. It really was true love. When they're completely dead theres only one thing to do. Whats that? Go through their pockets and look for loose change.
Peter Cooke's Priest character was the most memorable of all in the wedding scene. His R's and L's being pronounced as W's. Wuv. Twu wuv. I laugh so hard every time I see that part. As a matter of fact, I watched the scene just last night on here. Great stuff. Cooke's portrayal is at least par with INCONCEIVABLE! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. and others.
This guy is looking to get thrown through a wall.
I first saw this movie in 1993 as the film study part of our 10th grade English course. I liked it at the time, but not overly so. But movies have something taken out of them when you have to watch it with the means of studying it.
Andre the big lovable giant, hope he got all the large women he dreamed of in heaven.
It's over Inigo, I have the high ground 4:17.
1:21:40 comic. He sounds like JohnTron. Wow nice story I'm enjoy watching this story so nice. THANKS SOOO MUCH. Grampa: It was a VERY emotional time for Buttercup. Kid: I don't BELIEVE this. LATER: Kid: Murdered by pirates is good! D. You didn't include the entire battle of wits? Inconceivable. “Oh my sweet westley” Yeets self down hill Edit:so many likes. Go through his clothes and look for loose change. 😂. I have to say, while I was entertained throughout, I still feel, after 13 years, much the same as I did then. Often my opinions change after so much time, but not in this case. It had its funny moments, but I just felt like it wasn't quite there. There were funny parts about it, but it wasn't consistent. Buttercup had no humorous aspect whatsoever which made the mood confusing. It isn't as though I can't appreciate subtlety, but I felt that after some comical scenes with Westly and Inigo, the characters didn't remain funny. It seemed indecisive with humour in spurts so that otherwise serious people would occasionally make funny remarks.
COUNTRY BOY, i LOVE YOU BLEEEH. Online Dailymotion The Princess Bride movie 123movies english. The Princess download in hindi in Hindi The Princess Bride. Every fight in this movie is respectable lol.
As a kid i thought this movie was cheesy and amazing. As an adult i realised that cheese was gold. And Andre was so endearing in last film. *sniff* I miss his gentle ways. God Keep you Andre. Bye bye boys! have fun storming the castle! if you say that to someone and they do not know the reference, end your friendship with them right then and there. Andre roussimoff should've won an Oscar for his role as Fezzik. Watch The Princess Bride Online Videostripe Watch The Princess Bride Online Gorillavid Online The Princess Bride…. Wallace will always be Grand Nagus Zek to me... Andre the giant has a posse. I know it is spoke highly of, so I decided to rent it to watch it again since I love fairy tales and satire and am much more of a movie buff than I was at 15.
Tell me this movie doesn't still have at least a decade's worth of gas in the tank.